Once upon a time, construction & utility and all additional services projects proceeded along three distinct phases: Design. Bid. Build. People offered their word as their bond and lawsuits were few and far between.
Not so in today’s business environment. Project managers, contractors and other construction professionals must now factor in a fourth phase of any construction & utility project: litigation.
As a professional in the field, you know the costs of litigation. Claims often drag on indefinitely, leading to untold loss of productivity and headaches. Construction & utility videos produced by the professionals at JJH offer a cost-effective way to stop unwarranted litigation before it starts. Call us at 570.903.3127 to discuss your needs.
Video on Demand: Bank on These Benefits
Creating a construction & utility and any additional services video provides powerful benefits to anyone involved in construction & utility projects. A few of the advantages offered by video-on-demand documentation include:
- Encouraging best-practices and positive workplace behavior throughout all levels of the construction & utility teams
- Baseline documentation of the construction site, stopping unjustified claims before they start.
- Accurate damage reports, preventing exaggerations and misstatements from clients.
- Court-approved evidence.
- A permanent record, backed up for retrieval on demand.
JJH: A Trusted Partner
Working with JJH to produce video on demand construction documentation limits exposure to unwarranted construction claims. To learn more about how JJH can help your construction & utility project, email us or call us directly at 570.903.3127.